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  • Journal article / Governance

    Lien social entre forces de maintien de la paix et populations civiles cas de la MINUSMA au Mali 26/12/2024

    Summary :

    The article from the Revue internationale des francophonies examines the importance of social bonds between peacekeeping forces and civilian populatio...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : Revue interna ...
  • Journal article / Resilience

    La « crise » des pâturages dans le Ferlo : une commune tragédie des communs ? 23/12/2024

    Summary :

    The lack of pasture space in the Ferlo is nowadays the major concern of herders and various development actors in the sylvopastoral zone. It appears t...

    Country : Senegal
    Organizations : Association d ...
  • NGO / Association report / Governance

    Centre du Mali: enjeux et dangers d'une crise négligée 20/12/2024

    Summary :

    The article "Central Mali: Issues and Dangers of a Neglected Crisis" analyzes the situation in the central regions of Mali, particularly Mopti and Seg...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : Centre pour l ...
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance

    L’impact continu du COVID-19 sur le Sahel occidental et le bassin du lac Tchad. 16/12/2024

    Summary :

    The paper examines the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the Western Sahel and Lake Chad Basin, highlighting an average GDP contraction of 2.6% in 2020 fo...

    Country : Burkina Faso ,Cameroon , ...
    Organizations : WATHI
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance , Security and human rights

    Le Sahel central : au cœur de la tempête 15/12/2024

    Summary :

    Crisis Group’s article “Central Sahel: At the Eye of the Storm” analyses the multidimensional crisis in the Central Sahel, spanning Burkina Faso, Mali...

    Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,Niger
    Organizations : International ...
  • Podcast / Security and human rights

    Crises multiples: quels impacts sur le bien être des filles et des femmes du Sahel? 10/12/2024

    Summary :

    The multiple crises in the Sahel – armed conflict, political instability and climate change – particularly characterize women and girls. They are expo...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : WATHI
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance , Security and human rights , Mediation and conflict management

    Crise «silencieuse» au Burkina Faso : entre insécurité et déplacements massifs 05/12/2024

    Summary :

    Burkina Faso is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, marked by growing insecurity and massive population displacement. In 2018, attacks by arm...

    Country : Burkina Faso
    Organizations : WATHI
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance

    Les mouvements populaires contestataires et la politique au Sénégal 02/12/2024

    Summary :

    The article explores the evolution of popular protest movements in Senegal, a country marked by a tradition of social mobilizations. Since independenc...

    Country : Senegal
    Organizations : WATHI
  • International agencies report / Resilience

    Environment and Climate Action in Hodh Chargui, South-East Mauritania 29/11/2024

    Country : Mauritania
    Organizations : UNHRC