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Research Report / Governance
Self-defense groups, arson firefighters in the Sahel 13/01/2025
Summary :The article “Self-defense groups, pyromaniac firefighters of the Sahel” by Mathieu Pellerin, published by the French Institute of International Relati...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,NigerOrganizations : French Instit ... -
Research Report / Security and human rights
Armed violence in the Sahara. From jihadism to insurgencies? 13/01/2025
Summary :The article "Armed violence in the Sahara. From jihadism to insurrections?", produced by Mathieu Pellerin and published by the French Institute of Int...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,NigerOrganizations : French Instit ... -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Security and human rights
Les pays côtiers d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Nouvelle terre d’expansion des groupes djihadistes sahéliens ? 13/01/2025
Summary :The article entitled "The coastal countries of West Africa. New land of expansion for Sahelian jihadist groups?", written by Mathieu Pellerin and publ...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali , ...Organizations : French Instit ... -
Journal article / Governance , Security and human rights
The Jjihadist Groups in the Sahel: A Global Communication Tested by Local Realities 13/01/2025
Summary :This study investigates the local and regional dynamics that sustain the resilience of jihadist groups in the Sahel. It analyzes the strategies of gro...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Chad ,Mali , ...Organizations : Institut de R ... -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance
Le retour de la grande muette au pouvoir en Afrique de l’Ouest 09/01/2025
Summary :The article "The Return of the Silent Force to Power in West Africa" by Bah Traoré, published on August 3, 2023, on WATHI, analyzes the resurgence of ...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,NigerOrganizations : WATHI -
Journal article / Governance
Les opérations francophones de lutte contre le terrorisme l’exemple du G5 Sahel 26/12/2024
Summary :Jabir Touré's article, published in the Revue internationale des francophonies, examines the efforts of French-speaking Sahel countries in combating t...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,NigerOrganizations : Revue interna ... -
Thematic study / Security and human rights
Géopolitique du terrorisme en Afrique (1re partie) 24/12/2024
Summary :This article explores the evolution and impact of terrorism in Africa, highlighting its recent mutations and its adaptation to political and geopoliti...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Cameroon , ...Organizations : Areion Group -
Thematic study / Security and human rights
Geopolitique du terrorisme en Afrique (2e partie) 24/12/2024
Summary :The article explores the geopolitics of terrorism in Africa, analyzing the challenges and responses proposed by African states and their international...
Country : Chad ,Mali ,Niger ,NigeriaOrganizations : Areion Group -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance , Security and human rights
L’union malheureuse du Nigéria : comment l’insécurité croissante menace l’avenir du pays 24/12/2024
Summary :The article, titled “Nigeria’s Unhappy Union: How Rising Insecurity Threatens the Country’s Future,” examines the deteriorating security situation in ...
Country : NigeriaOrganizations : The Humanitar ...
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Synthèse de rapport / Governance, Security and human rights,
Protection Challenges in Contexts of Prolonged Crises and Fragile States in West Africa 11/02/2025
Summary :This report analyzes protection challenges in contexts of prolonged crises and fragility in West Africa. It focuses on the link between humanitarian a...
Country : Burkina Faso , Mali , Niger , Benin , Ivory Coste , Togo , GhanaOrganizations : AFD, IRD, ICE, PASAS, FCDO -
Research Report / Governance, Security and human rights,
Protection Challenges in Contexts of Prolonged Crises and Fragile States in West Africa 11/02/2025
Summary :This report examines protection challenges in contexts of prolonged crises and fragile states in West Africa, focusing on the link between emergency a...
Country : Burkina Faso , Mali , Niger , Benin , Ivory Coste , Togo , GhanaOrganizations : AFD, IRD, PASAS, FCDO -
Synthèse de rapport / Security and human rights,
Protection challenges in protracted crisis contexts and fragile states in West Africa 07/02/2025
Summary :The report “Protection Challenges in Prolonged Crisis Contexts and Fragile States in West Africa: Coordinating Responses Between Emergency and Develop...
Country : Burkina Faso , Mali , Niger , Benin , Ivory Coste , Togo , GhanaOrganizations : AFD, IRD, ICE, PASAS -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance, Security and human rights, Resilience,
Conflits persistants, pertes de terres agricoles et insécurité alimentaire récurrente dans la région du Liptako-Gourma 13/01/2025
Summary :The article titled "Persistent Conflicts, Loss of Agricultural Land, and Recurrent Food Insecurity in the Liptako-Gourma Region", authored by Eric Bra...
Country : Burkina Faso , Mali , NigerOrganizations : WATHI