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Journal article / Governance
The gender quota as a government technique in Burkina Faso: a mixture of new instruments and political inertia 29/01/2025
Summary :The article The gender quota as a government technique in Burkina Faso: between change of instruments and political inertia, written by Abdoul K. Said...
Country : Burkina FasoOrganizations : Afrique conte ... -
Policy brief / Governance
Quelles approches pour les relations France-Afrique qui se dégradent ? 09/01/2025
Summary :The policy brief "Possible Approaches to Address Deteriorating France-Africa Relations" explores the decline in relations between France and several A...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Chad ,Mali , ...Organizations : AFD, IRD, ICE -
Policy brief / Governance
Possible approaches to address deteriorating France-Africa relations 09/01/2025
Summary :Le policy brief "Approches possibles pour améliorer les relations France-Afrique" examine la dégradation des relations entre la France et plusieurs pa...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Chad ,Mali , ...Organizations : AFD, IRD, ICE -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance , Mediation and conflict management
"Sahel: What Has Changed" 06/01/2025
Summary :The report by the Citizen Coalition for the Sahel, published in June 2022, assesses the evolution of the situation in the central Sahel, particularly ...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,NigerOrganizations : Coalition cit ... -
International agencies report / Governance , Mediation and conflict management
Des emplois décents pour la paix au Sahel Une analyse et des recommandations appliquées au Cadre d’actions prioritaire 26/12/2024
Summary :The ILO report examines the role of decent work in fostering peace and resilience in the Sahel, aligning with the G5 Sahel's Integrated Priority Actio...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Chad ,Mali , ...Organizations : Organisation ... -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance
Trop de dialogues pour de faibles actions ou résultats durables ? 25/11/2024
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance , Inclusion , Mediation and conflict management
Les défis d’un dialogue inclusif dans un contexte de conflictualité 22/11/2024
Summary :The article analyzes the challenges of inclusive dialogue in Mali in a context marked by persistent conflicts. Following the failure of previous peace...
Country : MaliOrganizations : WATHI -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance
Perceptions de la place et du rôle des acteurs religieux dans le jeu électoral du Sénégal 18/11/2024
Summary :The report by the Tombouctou Institute, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, examines the role of religious actors in the Senegalese el...
Country : SenegalOrganizations : Timbuktu Inst ... -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance
Réordonner les stratégies de stabilisation du Sahel 15/11/2024
Summary :The International Crisis Group’s article “Reordering Sahel Stabilization Strategies” analyzes the limitations of current approaches to the growing ins...
Country : Burkina Faso ,Chad ,Mali , ...Organizations : International ...
Other documents that may interest you :
Journal article / Governance,
Lien social entre forces de maintien de la paix et populations civiles cas de la MINUSMA au Mali 26/12/2024
Summary :The article from the Revue internationale des francophonies examines the importance of social bonds between peacekeeping forces and civilian populatio...
Country : MaliOrganizations : Revue internationale des francophonies -
Research Report / Governance,
études sur la promotion de la paix et de la justice sociale par une gouvernance foncière équilibrée 14/01/2025
Summary :In his report titled "Promoting Peace and Social Justice through Balanced Land Governance in Mali," published on May 4, 2024, by the Rosa Luxemburg Fo...
Country : MaliOrganizations : Fondation Rosa Luxembourg -
Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance, Security and human rights,
L'abandon n'est pas une solution à la crise du Sahel 19/11/2024
Summary :The article analyzes the impacts of the withdrawal of international forces and aid in the Sahel, exacerbating an already severe security and humanitar...
Country : SahelOrganizations : International Alert -
Journal article / Governance,
Les opérations francophones de lutte contre le terrorisme l’exemple du G5 Sahel 26/12/2024
Summary :Jabir Touré's article, published in the Revue internationale des francophonies, examines the efforts of French-speaking Sahel countries in combating t...
Country : Burkina Faso , Mali , NigerOrganizations : Revue internationale des francophonies