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  • Journal article / Governance , Inclusion

    L’éducation arabo-islamique au féminin : une diversité de l’offre et des stratégies familiales au Sénégal 30/01/2025

    Summary :

    The article entitled “Arab-Islamic education for women: a diversity of offers and family strategies in Senegal”, written by Mame Fatou Séne and publis...

    Country : Senegal
    Organizations : Revue Autrepa ...
  • NGO / Association report / Governance

    Centre du Mali: enjeux et dangers d'une crise négligée 20/12/2024

    Summary :

    The article "Central Mali: Issues and Dangers of a Neglected Crisis" analyzes the situation in the central regions of Mali, particularly Mopti and Seg...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : Centre pour l ...
  • Podcast / Security and human rights

    Crises multiples: quels impacts sur le bien être des filles et des femmes du Sahel? 10/12/2024

    Summary :

    The multiple crises in the Sahel – armed conflict, political instability and climate change – particularly characterize women and girls. They are expo...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : WATHI
  • International agencies report / Inclusion

    Visite en Mauritanie – Rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur les formes contemporaines d’esclavage 29/11/2024

    Summary :

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur, Tomoya Obokata, visited Mauritania in May 2022 to assess contemporary forms of slavery in the country. His repo...

    Country : Mauritania
    Organizations : WATHI, UNHRC
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance

    Face à la menace de la désintégration régionale en Afrique de l’Ouest, la résignation n’est pas une 25/11/2024

    Summary :

    WATHI's article analyzes the growing threat of regional disintegration in West Africa, exacerbated by multiple crises: insecurity, political instabili...

    Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,Niger
    Organizations : WATHI
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Governance

    Faced with the threat of regional disintegration in West Africa, resignation is not an option 25/11/2024

    Summary :

    WATHI's article analyzes the growing threat of regional disintegration in West Africa, exacerbated by multiple crises: insecurity, political instabili...

    Country : Burkina Faso ,Mali ,Niger
    Organizations : WATHI
  • Academic analysis and Think Tank / Security and human rights

    l'esclavage par ascendance dans la région de Kayes, une étude socio-anthropologique 25/11/2024

    Summary :

    The article “Slavery by Descent in the Kayes Region” examines the persistence of hereditary slavery in Mali, particularly among the Soninké and Malink...

    Country : Mali
    Organizations : WATHI
  • International agencies report / Governance , Security and human rights

    Livre blanc sur l'éducation au Sahel , La richesse d’aujourd’hui et de demain 25/11/2024

    Summary :

    The World Bank Group’s Sahel Education White Paper (December 2021) highlights the central role of education for the region’s economic and human develo...

    Country : Sahel
    Organizations : WATHI
  • NGO / Association report / Governance , Inclusion

    Gender and diversity analyses "Children and Youth on the Migration Routes of West and North Africa" project 23/02/2024

    Country : North Africa
    Organizations : GIZ, Terre de ...

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